Max is now adopted date: 15.10.2023
Max has been bottle-fed. He is a great companion. He is a mix of a cat and dog. We think he could handle being with a dog if introduction is well managed. He tends to get bored easily and would probably appreciate special time out. He is not very adventurous but he needs action. Emphasis on action because he can get very vocal very unhappy. He is not suttle about it believe us. However call him and cuddle and he immediately rubs and purrs, might even jump on your right shoulder. Big baby.
With cats he ca be difficult. Not brave but sneaky. Max can jump on the other when the cat has his back turned on him. He will seize that opportunity. And if the other is pacific it will lead to not much, but sometimes.... On the other hand Max is easy with the young crew here. And they all love him. Particularly Mia. She has taken on sleeping with him when he has to stay alone. She adores him despite he has tried to bully her. But she has always managed to deflate any conflict with him. He pretends she is not there much of the time. But we believe deep inside he appreciates her.